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Miss E’s Resources

Hi, I am a primary school teacher currently working in year 4! I have a primary PGCE specialising in Leadership in Modern Foreign Languages. I am passionate about reigniting the love of language learning in the primary classroom and providing fun and interactive resources to help non-specialists teachers! I have also attended various maths courses focussed on teaching maths through stories and have developed my own schemes of work from this training. This approached has helped my children grasp

Hi, I am a primary school teacher currently working in year 4! I have a primary PGCE specialising in Leadership in Modern Foreign Languages. I am passionate about reigniting the love of language learning in the primary classroom and providing fun and interactive resources to help non-specialists teachers! I have also attended various maths courses focussed on teaching maths through stories and have developed my own schemes of work from this training. This approached has helped my children grasp
V.I.P Table - Classroom Behaviour Management

V.I.P Table - Classroom Behaviour Management

V.I.P Behaviour Management - appropriate for all ages and classrooms! Classroom poster to display expectations, Badges for the V.I.P children and table point chart! Children earn points for their table and the table with the most points at the end of the week become the V.I.P table for the following week. This includes wearing the badges/lanyards which gives them special priviledges and a V.I.P table pot full of ‘special stationary’!